Road Signs 0 Here is your Practice test for Road Signs, Limited period access till March 24, 2025 1. This sign tells drivers that: No U-turn 2. This sign indicates: Stop Ahead 3. This sign tells drivers that: Do not enter the road where this sign is posted 4. This sign tells drivers that: that construction worker and machinery on the way and road is closed ahead 5. This sign tells drivers that: Drivers traveling uphill have right-of-way 6. What does this 5-sided sign indicate? You are near a school, slow down and watch for children crossing the road 7. What does this road sign mean? You are not allowed to make a turn in a certain direction at a specific location 8. What does this sign indicate? Airport 9. What does this sign indicate? Hairpin curve ahead 10. What does this sign indicate? Traffic move in the direction of the arrow 11. What does this warning road sign indicate? There is construction equipment or maintenance vehicles working ahead on the road 12. What does this road regulatory sign mean? There is construction equipment or maintenance vehicles working ahead on the road 13. This sign indicates: Yield sign ahead 14. This sign alerts you that: There is a winding road ahead 15. What does this road sign means? Don’t enter an intersection if you can’t pass all the way through it 16. What does this road sign indicate? No Left turn 17. This road sign alerts you that: A flaggers in road ahead at the construction site slow down and obey the instruction 18. What does this road sign indicate? No right turn 19. This sign means: A traffic signal ahead 20. This road sign tells you: What to do if there is any emergency on or near the railway tracks 21. What does this road sign indicate? A lane is ending or narrowing, and drivers must merge with traffic coming from the left 22. This road sign warns you about: Reverse curve is coming ahead 23. What does this road sign mean? Tells drivers passing is unsafe and prohibited in the indicated area 24. What does this sign mean? Turn right with advisory speed 25. This sign indicates: Directional arrow left 26. What does this sign mean: Roundabout intersection 27. What does this road sign indicate? You must yield to oncoming traffic when making a left turn 28. This sign indicates: Sharp turn to the left 29. What does this road sign indicate? Slow-moving vehicle 30. This road sign alerts drivers about a: T-intersection 31. What does a eight sided red STOP sign mean: Come to a complete stop 32. What does this road sign mean? Warns drivers to be prepared for vehicles coming from both directions on the road ahead 33. What does this sign mean? Y intersection 34. What does this road sign indicate? No parking allowed at any time 35. What does this road sign alert driver? Deer crossing is ahead, slow down and proceed with caution 36. This sign means: Cross road ahead 37. This sign means: Move into the right lane if you are driving slower than other traffic 38. This sign is used to warn driver about: The road ahead will curve to the left 39. What does this road sign indicate? If vehicles are following you closely on a two-lane highway, you must drive into the turnout areas to let the faster vehicles pass 40. What does this sign indicate? This guide sign provides information about upcoming skiing area 41. What does this sign mean? Duck crossing 42. What does this road sign mean? A two-way traffic 43. What does this sign indicate? Number of tracks 44. What does this road sign indicate? Slippery when wet 45. What does this road sign mean? At intersection traffic can make u turn and turn left 46. What does this road sign indicate? The right lane ends ahead 47. This means: Do not park road sign 48. This sign indicates: There is a pedestrians crosswalk ahead 49. What does this road sign indicate? Divided highway ahead 50. What does this road sign mean? Drive to the right side 51. What does this road sign indicate? Slow down and yield the right of way, be ready to stop if necessary 52. What does this road sign indicate? The divided highway end 53. What does this road sign mean? There is a dip or low place in the road, drivers are suggested to slow down 54. What does this road sign indicate? Drivers are approaching an obstruction and should keep to the right 55. What does this indicate? Falling rocks road sign 56. What does this road sign mean? Look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing, if necessary 57. What does this road sign indicate? Equestrians crossing 58. What does this road sign mean? Left turn only 59. What does this road sign indicate? Merging traffic entering from right 60. What does this road sign mean? You may only drive in this lane if there are 2 or more persons in the vehicle including the driver 61. What does this road sign indicate? Added lane ahead 62. What does this road sign mean? The next rest area is in 1 mile 63. What does this road sign mean? There is a Reverse turn ahead 64. What is this sign mean? There is a sharp left turn  65. This sign warns drivers that: Narrow road ahead 66. What does this road sign mean? Alert drivers about upcoming hills and inclines to ensure road safety 67. You may turn right at a red light unless there is a _______ sign. No turn on red 68. When you see this road sign you? Are approaching a railroad crossing so look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing, if necessary 69. What does this sign indicate? The maximum speed limit is 50 mph for traveling safely in this area 70. What does this road sign indicate? There is a speed humps on the road 71. What does this road sign indicate? That traffic is allowed to travel in the direction of the arrow on a particular road 72. An orange-colored sign like this means: There is road work ahead 73. What does this road sign mean? This road terminates ahead 74. What does this road sign indicate? A steep grade is ahead 75. This sign tells you that the center line is used for: Left turns only from both directions 76. What does this road sign mean? The road ahead is divided 77. What does this warning sign indicate: When turning left at the intersection railroad crossing is ahead, Slow down, be cautious, and stop if needed 78. What does this road sign mean? Bicycle crossing ahead 79. What does this road sign indicate? Gravel Road Ahead 80. This sign indicates: Children at play, slow down 81. What does this warning sign shows? Clearances height from road bottom to top 82. Below orange color sign means: Detour to the right 83. This road sign alerts you that: An area of the road where passing another vehicle is prohibited 84. What does this road sign indicate? Left lane for left turns only, right lane for left turns or straight ahead 85. What does this sign mean? Parking is permitted only for a disabled person 86. This sign indicates: Curve out intersection warning 87. What does this warning road sign mean? Children’s playground ahead 88. This sign called: Chevron Alignment Right 89. What does this road sign indicate? You are near a fire station 90. What kind of this sign is? Interstate route sign 91. This sign indicates: Pass on either side of the obstacle 92. What does this sign mean? Electric vehicle charging station 93. This sign indicates: Bicycle can use the whole road if it's not safe to ride close to the right side of the road 94. What does this sign indicate? This lane has the option to turn right or go straight 95. What does this road sign mean? Reduce speed limit ahead 96. What does this sign mean: Reverse turn (left) 97. What does this sign mean: Road ends turn left or right only 98. This sign indicates: Side road at an acute angle ahead 99. What does this sign mean: Horizontal alignment warning 100. What does this sign mean: Truck rollover warning Email When is your DMV test ? Your quiz is running out of time! few seconds are remaining. Time's upTime is Up!